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Modellismo Militare / Military - Bandai - Italeri

Modellismo Militare / Military - Bandai - Italeri

Military Scale 1/32 Aircraft aircraft modellbau, model kit, plastic kit, modellismo statico, static model, italeri, hasegawa, revell, Dragon, Zvezda, Kinetic, Hobby model, plane model kit, Bandai, Aoshima, Evolution toy Tank, jeep, tank model kit Shojo article Anime Figures revell negozio modellismo statico modellismo navale modellismo militare modellini aerei scala scale modeling model hasegawa tamiya trumpter model hobby modeling hlj comics negozio giocattoli shop toy

Griglia Lista

Imposta ordine discendente

1-10 di 36

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  1. American Infantry
    13,00 €

    The 1st Infantry Division , better known as “the big red one”, represents the prototype of U.S. Infantry troops during World War II. It took part in Operation Torch (November 1942), the landing in Sicily, the landing in Normandy (June 6th, 1944), the battle of the Ardennes and the final advance into German territory in 1945. The models in this kit are represented with the typical equipment of American infantry: the M1 Garand rifle, the B.A.R. automatic rifle, the M3 “Grease Gun” submachinegun and the famous Bazooka. Per saperne di più
  2. British Commandos
    13,00 €

    The “Commandos” were created at the beginning of the 40's as a special unit of the British army intended to carry out fast operations. The commandos operated in small, highly mobile and well-equipped units, assigned to recon and, most of the times, assault missions. In 1941, in addition, the “Special Air Services” were formed, to perform guerrilla and sabotage missions behind enemy lines. In 1942, the Royal Marines were added to the elite units of the British Army. Per saperne di più
  3. U.S. Special Forces
    13,00 €

    On the eve of the Tet Offensive (January 1968), U.S. Forces counted more than 330.000 soldiers and 78.000 Marines in Vietnam. The Marines units and the 1st Cavalry division were composed of prepared, reliable and determined soldiers. This kist shows the typical formation of an American infantry unit. Soldiers are equipped with an M16 assault rifle and with the 7,62mm M60 machinegun. During the Vietnam War, special forces units better known as Green Berets were employed, too. Per saperne di più
  4. U.S. Infantry 90s
    13,00 €

    U.S. Infantry 90s by Italeri. Per saperne di più
  5. Pegasus Bridge Glider Assault
    68,00 €

    Pegasus Bridge Glider Assault Per saperne di più
  6. El Alamein War - Battle Set
    65,00 €

    El Alamein War - Battle Set El Alamein is one of the most famous battles in the Second World War fought between the British forces, led by Lieutenant-General Bernard Law Montgomery, and the Axis forces, led by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. After the penetration of the German and Italian Forces in Egypt, based on the precise goal to advance up to the Suez Canal, the British Army started to adopt a strategic plan based on the prevention of further enemy advancing toward the cities of Alexandria and Cairo. The Axis long supply lines and the lack of reinforcements, joined to the 8th Army superiority in men and vehicles, were the assumptions for the Montgomery’s great offensive successfully launched on 23rd October 1942 (codename Lightfoot). El Alamein was a turning point of the North African campaign bringing, in May 1943, to the Italian-German forces capitulation in Tunisia. Per saperne di più
  7. British Paratroopers
    13,00 €

    The men of the British 1st Airborne Division, nicknamed “Red Devils”, took part in Operation Market Garden in September 1944. Planned by General Montgomery, it envisaged the fast conquest of the bridges on the Rhein and the Meuse via airborne British, American and Polish troops to secure the advance of Allied armored units into Germany's industrial heartland. But the operation was unsuccessful and the advance into the Ruhr was possible only four months later Per saperne di più
  8. WWII : 1940 Battle of Arras Rommel's offensive battle set
    49,00 €

    WWII : 1940 Battle of Arras Rommel's offensive battle set The Battle of Arras took place in Arras, in northeastern France, and was an Allied counter-attack against the German Army, an attempt of British and French armies to stop the Wehrmacht advance toward the English Channel. The division of the British “Frankforce” used two regiments of Matilda tanks, heavily armored for those days, as backbone of the offensive during the battle. However, the Allied offensive was shattered against the determined resistance of the 7th Panzer Division, commanded by General Erwin Rommel, which, despite the suffered losses, strongly kept the position. Rommel, as German anti-tank guns were ineffective, used field Artillery and “flak” guns to knock out the British tanks. After the tactical defeat of Arras, the British troops retreated to the English Channel an started up the code-named Operation Dynamo to evacuate French territories. Per saperne di più
  9. Italian Mountain Troops Alpini
    13,00 €

    During World War II, Alpini divisions where used on several fronts. In 1942 the Italian expeditionary force was sent on the Russian front to support the Wehrmacht. It included the Alpini Julia, Tridentina and Cuneense divisions. The Italian Alpini took active part at the defense of the Don front but they were outnumbered and surrounded by the troops of the Red Army. The Alpini divisions were forced to retreat with a long and heroic march, in dire conditions, through the cold wastes of the Russian steppe. During the retreat they were also engaged in tough clashes. The most famous is the battle of Nikolajewka that took place on January1943 Per saperne di più
  10. Afrika Korps
    13,00 €

    After the loss of Cyrenaica, Italy requested a German intervention, and in February 1941 the first troops of what was to become the famous Deutsche Afrika Korps led by General Erwin Rommel were sent to North Africa. The troops of the Axis in a few months took back Cyrenaica and Tobruk, and advanced into Egypt. Constantly short on supplies, they were defeated by the 8th British Army at El Alamein. The additional pressure caused by the American arrival in Morocco forced the Afrika Korps to gradually retreat in Tunisia during 1943. Per saperne di più

Griglia Lista

Imposta ordine discendente

1-10 di 36

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