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38 cm RW 61 auf Sturmmörser Tiger

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38 cm RW 61 auf Sturmmörser Tiger
27,00 €

Disponibilità: Non disponibile


During World War II the German Army had to combat frequently fortified positions or urban defense centers. Due to tactical reason - the troops were at short distance to the enemy lines - artillery and air support could not be engaged. This led to the development of the “Sturm” - version of the “Tiger” heavy tank (Italeri N. 293). Onto the heavy-duty chassis the efficient and unique 38 cm mortar was mounted, which had a short range but enormous fire power. Only few units of the Sturmtiger were built and were mainly used in 1994 at the Eastern front.
Ulteriori informazioni

Ulteriori informazioni

Codice 0299S
Nome originale 38 cm RW 61 auf Sturmmörser Tiger
Marca Italeri
Materiale PVC
Altezza prodotto Scale 1/35
Altezza scatola 373 x 241 x 60 mm
Tipologia Plastic kit
Pagine No
Mobilità Static
ean 8001283802994


38 cm RW 61 auf Sturmmörser Tiger model kit by Italeri

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