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Griglia Lista

Imposta ordine discendente

1-10 di 15

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  1. D-DAY Aircraft
    15,00 €

    Each set contains 6 bottles of Italeri Acrylic Paints (20ml each) Per saperne di più
  2. R.A.F. Royal Navy II
    15,00 €

    Each set contains 6 bottles of Italeri Acrylic Paints (20ml each) Per saperne di più
  3. Da Vinci's clock
    22,00 €

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    That genius of Leonardo Da Vinci doesn’t need any presentation. All his inventions and ideas written by him in the Atlantic Code were in many senses forefront. Many of these, that today we take for granted, are based on its thoughts and visions. Regarding the clock, Leonardo da Vinci wasn’t the inventor, he only improved it. The clock have two separated mechanism: one for the hours and the other for the minutes, everyone made by an elaborated connection between weights, gears and ropes. Per saperne di più
  4. Mechanical Lion
    22,00 €

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    PRM booklet not included from Jule 2013 Sheets 90/v and 91/r of the Madrid Code include drawings of “strange” mechanisms that are not linked to the treatise on mechanics and often have no explanatory text. Analysing them led to the reconstruction of mechanisms enabling a mysterious animal, a mechanical lion, to move robotically. The lion, a gift from Pope Leone X and the town of Florence, was taken to Lyon, in France; on July 12 1515, at the end of a surprising, magical walk before the King of France, Francis I, it stopped knocking some lilies over. It can be considered one of the first animal-like robots ever built. Per saperne di più
  5. Spingarde with mantlet
    18,00 €

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    Among the several war machines designed by Leonardo, there are true pieces of artillery such as spingardes.The drawings on the 32r sheet of the Atlantic code hide ingenious insights for that age and represent two different versions of the spingardes. The first was mounted on a tripod and held with wooden pegs along a perforated ring; this solution allowed varying the height of the shot and was designed for spingardes of large dimensions.Our model is a reproduction of the second project: a spingardes with a rotated barrel that allowed the transport of a shed or mantlet, which was intended to protect the gunner.Originally designed for the launch of stones, spingardes were then used with the invention of gunpowder to launch bullets and darts of various types.In fact, some studies related to bullets and recipes of gunpowders are represented on Leonardo's sheet. Per saperne di più
  6. Leverage Crane
    24,00 €

    Leverage Crane Per saperne di più
  7. Catapult
    18,00 €

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    The catapult was a medieval weapon which Leonardo reworked and improved upon. As shown in the drawings on page 140a/br of the Atlantic Code, which represent six designs of a spoonshaped catapult, the loading mechanism is activated by two large flexible wooden arms that increase launching power. The stone or metal projectile is placed in the spoon-shaped end of a long lever. The loading operation turns the large central pin and flexes the curved wooden arm. The safety catch is then released to launch the projectile straight at the target. The launching power is proportional to the length of the lever arm and so the energy involved in throwing the projectile is high, allowing the projectile to cover particularly long distances. Per saperne di più
  8. Helicopter Leonardo da Vinci Italeri
    19,00 €

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    Helicopter Leonardo da Vinci Italeri This machine, which is considered the ancestor of the modern helicopter,appears in a drawing dated roughly 1480 contained in theCodex Atlanticus. Leonardo outlines the plan for an “aerial screw”imagining it as a worm screw with a diameter of approximately 5metres, in his intentions, it should have “screwed itself” in air takingadvantage of its density. Moved by the muscle strength of four menwalking on the central platform, it consisted of a wooden structurecovered with starched linen cloth. Since there is no proof that Leonardoactually built the machine he imagined, it remains one of hismany theoretical insights. Per saperne di più
  9. Paddle Boat
    22,00 €

    On page 945/r/ of the Codex Atlanticus, Leonardo da Vinci drew many devices for the plan of a mechanical paddle boat. One or more sailors can alternate working the pedals. The pedals transfer the alternate motion to a central gear, where it becomes linear motion, and a series of gears transfer it to the two big paddles on the sides of the craft. The central gear is drawn in more accurately on another page, 30/v/, and the mechanism works through springs hidden in the two main wheels that alternate. Per saperne di più
  10. Macchina Volante (ORNITOTTERO) - Flying Machine (ORNITHOPTER)
    18,00 €

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    The ornithopter is a machine designed to fly by the flapping of its wings in imitation of birds.In 1485, Leonardo da Vinci began to study the flight of birds. He grasped that humans are too heavy, and not strong enough, to fly using wings simply attached to the arms. Therefore he sketched a device in which the aviator lies down on a plank and works two large, membranous wings using hand levers, foot pedals, and a system of pulleys. Per saperne di più

Griglia Lista

Imposta ordine discendente

1-10 di 15

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