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Griglia Lista

Imposta ordine discendente

1-10 di 65

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  1. Cutter professionale con 6 lame
    14,00 €

    Cutter professionale con 6 lame Per saperne di più
  2. Celtic Cavalry - I Cen. BC
    10,00 €

    Celtic Cavalry - I Cen. BC Per saperne di più
  3. R.A.F. Royal Navy II
    15,00 €

    Each set contains 6 bottles of Italeri Acrylic Paints (20ml each) Per saperne di più
  4. French foreign Legion
    10,00 €

    French foreign Legion Per saperne di più
  5. French Carabiners by Italeri
    10,00 €

    Non disponibile

    Together with the cuirassiers, Carabiners formed the heavy cavalry of Napoleon's army. The above average height and shining cuirasses of these soldiers were often decisive factors on the battlefield. It is worth remembering how they were used as Murat's cavalry reserve at Borodino, or in Marshal Ney's charge at Waterloo. Per saperne di più
  6. Roman Infantry - I Cen. AD
    10,00 €

    The equipment of the 1st Century B.C. legionnaire became the stereotype of Roman infantry. Over his tunic he wore the heavy lorica segmentata, the most advanced form of body armor at the time. The characteristic rectangular “scutum” often bears the name or the insignia of the Legion the soldier belongs to. The individual armament comprised gladius and pilum, a heavy throwing javelin. The kit also includes centurions with transverse crest helmets, and the signifer (standard bearers) carrying the Legion's insignia. Per saperne di più
  7. French Hussars by Italeri
    10,00 €

    Non disponibile

    The word “hussar” identifies the light horsemen and comes from the Hungarian “huszar”. The most famous hussar units were the French regiments of the Napoleonic era. They were employed for scouting and communication purposes, and to screen the movement of the Emperor's corps, like during the advance that allowed the French to flank the Austrian general Mack at Ulm in 1805. The soldiers in this kit wear the uniform of the 1st Hussars employed at Jena in 1806, and they are characterized by the ornate Hungarian style uniform, sabretache, sabre and carbine. Per saperne di più
  8. American Infantry
    10,00 €

    Already after the first clashes in the war, in 1775, the number of enlisted soldiers coming from all Colonies increased dramatically, and they gradually replaced the volunteers. 27 infantry regiments were mustered into the backbone of the continental army. The most important battles in the American War of Independence, fought by George Washington's continental army, were the ones at Saratoga and Yorktown. In 1784, the continental army was dissolved and absorbed into the newborn United States army. Per saperne di più
  9. Union Cavalry by Italeri
    10,00 €

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    The battle of Appomattox Courthouse, during the American Civil War, was the final effort of General Robert E. Lee's Confederate army of North Virginia before his surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant, commander-in-chief of the Union army. General Sheridan's Union cavalry played a decisive role. The soldiers in this kit are represented with the typical cavalry short jacket without epaulettes, the Mc Clellan or chasseur hat, and the typical Sharps & Smith carbines. Per saperne di più
  10. Russian Infantry
    10,00 €

    The infantry of the Tzar Alexander 1st is reproduced in this kit with the uniforms used in the late Napoleonic period. At Borodino in 1812, or during the famous “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig in 1813, the infantrymen of the reformed Russian army wore these uniforms. In addition to soldiers and officers, this kit includes drummers and standard bearers carrying the regimental and the Tzar's insignia. Per saperne di più

Griglia Lista

Imposta ordine discendente

1-10 di 65

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